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Cell Tracker Logger 4.0.1
CIIMP Software
Tracks and know the movement of yourdevicecompletely free!.Submit your position by SMS or emailSend the file from your tracking emailInstall application, in 5 minutes your device will berecordingyour position. Its Free!TrackerTrackTrackingrecordrecordingcellphoneLocate cellJust follow these steps:Get the appSetting activate record tracks, and config position GPSReady!We welcome your donations to continue this free serviceTime position reporting is every 2,5 or 9 minutesPowered by our provider network geolocacion, to save energyJust activate the GPS to send a more accurate position
Send My Position Locate Me Pro 4.00
CIIMP Software
Send your position by SMS or EMAILFor you send your position so easyWhen you receive a message with the key validation, amessagewill respond automatically with your positionLocate it by sending a smsFind your deviceThis application is for you to share your position by SMSoremail, and ask someone else your position and it sent a smsYou determine the key to validate who want to knowyourpositionSend the log report control your email, and know who has calledyourposition and when changing the password validationFor te paid version, no limit send messages. No adsTurns the operation whenever you wantChanges the password validation anytimeGet the position of the GPS sensor, or by Data Networ tosavebatteryJust configure your position sensor, check if you can and gettheposition, and do a test if you can see your position on themap. Nowyou can send your position by SMS or EMAILIt is very easyLocate meSend positionTracker
Anti Theft Phone 1.0
CIIMP Software
Alert activated when your cell changespositionyou placed itEasy operation, just graduated sensitivity and activatesthewarning by pressing the iconUse it to keep them from taking your cell where youhavesavedTo activate the alert, you have 15 seconds to leave thestaticcell where you put it, then when it is moved from thatposition,the phone will sound an alert so you know itYou can experiment with different levels of sensitivity,andchoose the one that works best for your phoneClick the icon to activate the alert, keep your cell phone,andis active in 15 secondsTo deactivate, press the icon, if the alert is sounding in5seconds to turn offFor mobiles and tabletsAnti Theft Phonetheftthiefcell loss
Cell Phone Tracker ETM 4.1.1
CIIMP Software
New Easy Track MeApp to track other phones reporting to a user account: to monitor devices registered in the user account and createnew user account: crear geocerca / Manual create geocerca nueva cuenta de usuario / Create new user account telefono a cuenta de usuario / Add phone to useraccount de aplicacion de rastreo / Tracking applicationfunction ETMLocate Cell Tracker / Rastreador Celular Web! Locate, find and track cell on our web platform!Install the application to find out where are your family,friends, employees, or anyone who has a cell phone with Android andthe Internet.Install it on any phone with Android (4.0 and up) you want to track/ monitor, and the internet page or an Android phone, follow upwith the cell where it already installed the application totrackIt is necessary that your device can obtain the position to senddata to the platform position (GPS sensor or online).! Create your account completely free, and in five minutes yourdevice already be reporting to the platform to track him!By creating an account, you can add other cell to track the sameaccount (as a group side it were) added to your friends and familyso they know where they are!!! It is very easy to use !!!Just follow these steps:Install the application on the phone to trackCreate a new user accountTry the position sensorAccess your account to check and send it to the platformpositionEnter the tracking page or install the same application on anotherphone, and access the data from your account, and you're trackingthe cellular account you createdAnd it's all cellular account will report to the platform silentlyto know where you've beenWait 5 minutes to create your new account to see how your phonesends and positions and you can see it on the mapYour team will report every 8 minutes to the platform freeversionAsk about the paid version, which you can report from every 2minutes your cellIt works through the GPS sensor, or the location data servicenetwork to save battery InternetIf you want to be more accurate your position enable the GPS sensorin your computer (depending on phone model)Locate and find your device on our platform completelyfree!.New function to share the link tracking WEBSend it by email or SMS tablets without IMEI, functions as monitor devices. Trackyour devices from your tabletNew Video Tutorial, in button "Instructions / Tutorial"Install application, and create your account, in 5 minutes yourdevice will be reporting to our tracking platform. Its Free!Button is added to check if your device is already activated theoption to get the position, or you manage a shortcut so that youcan activate.It is necessary that your device can obtain the position to work onthe platform.Please, before creating an account, you test that your device canobtain the GPS position.Cell TrackerTracker OnlineTrackerTrackLocateTrackingYou can access your account through the web platform alsohttp://trackgroup.ddns.netYou can add the devices you want to your account, and so traceyour family or friends.It is easy to start using this service which is freeJust follow these steps:Get the appCreate a new user:Ready!Wait 5 minutes and you can access your accountWe welcome your donations to continue this free serviceEnter our web platform and tracks your unitsTime position reporting is every 5 minutesGet the paid version for a report from 2 minutesPowered by our provider network geolocacion, to save energyJust activate the GPS to send a more accurate position
Notepad Easy Note Pad Pro 1.03
CIIMP Software
Note pad Intuitive and easy to use. Is a simple notepad applicationnotes Create, edit and delete your notes so easy and fast UsingNotepad notes quickly and can easily recover important data andrecorded as quickly Keywords: notepad, note, memo, post-it,checklist, todo list, shopping list, annotations, neminder SDmemory needs You have your notes easily Create your notes, memos,in a very easy way txt files are created in the root of your SDmemory This application no contains advertising (ads) You can usethis application in the free version
Gasolineras de México 1.01
CIIMP Software
Aplicación para encontrar la mayoría de los puntos de venta degasolina en el País (aproximadamente el 98% de estacionesoficiales), Ubicalas en tu mapa de manera facil e intuitivaEncontraras casi todas las estaciones de gasolina en México, asícomo algunos puntos de venta al menudeo de locales comerciales.***Necesita tener instalado el navegador Chrome *** Gasolineria enMéxico Gasolinera en México Checa por la opción de StreetView eltipo de establecimiento si lo deseas Cada mes se actualizan lospuntos de venta. Encuentra las estaciones que se encuentren cercade tu ubicación del móvil (celular) automáticamente, o si no puedetu equipo ubicarse por datos de internet, busca las gasolinerascercanas a algún lugar que quieras ubicar en el mapa. Tambiénencuentra todas las gasolineras por cada estado del País Ten encuenta que para la ubicación automática por tu móvil, deberásactivar la opción de "Servicio ubicación de Google" La informaciónen la aplicación, es solo una referencia, el uso es bajoresponsabilidad del usuario. Se reciben reportes de puntos degasolineras para modificar y actualizar.
Rastreo satelital celular 1.0.9
CIIMP Software
Plataforma de rastreo satelitaldewww.transporteseguro.comInstala nuestra aplicación, para poder rastrear/monitorearunteléfono celular con Android.En la plataforma de rastreo, crea geocercas y recibiráscorreoselectrónicos (emails) y mensajes de texto (SMS) con avisosde losmovimientos del equipo que tienes registrado.Puedes agregar varios equipos en una misma cuenta, pruebanuestraplataforma gratis por una semana, y pregunta por el costo deuso dela plataforma.Instala la aplicación, prueba el sensor de posición del celular,yoprime el botón de Solicitar Registro para que recibas un enlacedela pagina de rastreo y los datos de tu cuenta de usuario,El servicio de mensajes de texto solo aplica para MéxicoManual crear geocerca / Manual create geocerca nueva cuenta de usuario / Create new user account telefono a cuenta de usuario / Add phone touseraccount de aplicacion de rastreo / Trackingapplicationfunction pagina de la plataforma es: ver el funcionamiento de la plataforma de rastreo conlossiguientes datos:Usuario:demoClave:00000Entra y prueba como funcionaria el rstreo de tu celular.Tambienmanejamos equipos GPS para el rastreo de automoviles yequipossolares.Satellitetrackingplatform www.transporteseguro.comInstall our application to track / monitor a cell phonewithAndroid.In the tracking platform, create geofencing and receiveemails(emails) and text messages (SMS) with notices team movementsyouhave registered.You can add multiple computers on the same account, try ourfreeplatform for a week, and ask for the cost of usingtheplatform.Install the application, the position sensor test cell, andpressthe button Order Registry to receive a link to the pagetrackingdata and your user account,The text messaging service only applies to MexicoCreate geofence Manual / Manual create geofence new user account / Create new user account phone to user account / Add phone to user account function tracking / Trackingapplicationfunction page of the platform is: can see the operation of the tracking platform withthefollowing data:User: demoKey: 00000And enters the test as an official rstreo your phone. Alsowehandle GPS tracking equipment for cars and solar equipment.
Locate Cell by SMS 4.00
CIIMP Software
Want to know the position of yourphone(mobile), or any person of your interest? You can locate usingthisapp !.Just send an SMS and this message must contain the password fortheapplication to automatically respond to the sender an SMS withtheposition of the mobileIt may or may not require internet, the position can beobtainedfrom the GPS sensor, or the Internet data network. By usinghow toobtain the position online, save battery consumptionofmobileAny phone with Android (4.0 and up) can work so you can locatealoved one, automobile, or just like to know where protectionissomeone in your interest to have our application installed onyourphone.With our application, the mobile becomes an easy andinexpensivelocator to use, just send an SMS, and in less than 10seconds yourespond to their position. You can use it to findpeople, packages,cars, etc. The message that you receive, you cansee on any phonewith a link to Google maps.You can use it to find someone who does not answer the call whenyouwant to know where it is, as an old man, your children, aworker,messenger, etc. Just install the application to yourmobile, withoutaltering the functioning of the mobile applicationwork quietlywaiting for them to send the SMS with password andanswer to thesender's positionIt is very easy to use, just install the application, and"Settings"type password and active operating mode for sending SMSwith yourposition to the number you sent an SMS asking yourposition. You canturn on and off when you want.And you can know who has asked the position of the device andhassent your position, how many times you have changed thepassword,and when it is turned on and off operating mode, sendingby emailthe configuration file operation application. It is easyto use, andso you know that the operation has had.To reset counter, the menu of options, click on the option ofSMSCounter ResetSend your position by SMS or EMAILFor you send your position so easyWhen you receive a message with the key validation, amessagewill respond automatically with your positionLocate it by sending a smsLocate cellFind your deviceThis application is for you to share your position by SMSoremail, and ask someone else your position and it sent a smsYou determine the key to validate who want to knowyourpositionSend the log report control your email, and know who has calledyourposition and when changing the password validationFor the free version, you have to reset the counter forsendingmessages to keep sending messages with your positionwhenrequiredTurns the operation whenever you wantChanges the password validation anytimeGet the position of the GPS sensor, or by Data Networ tosavebatteryJust configure your position sensor, check if you can and gettheposition, and do a test if you can see your position on themap. Nowyou can send your position by SMS or EMAILIt is very easyLocate meSend positionTracker
Cell Phone Tracking 1.0.3
CIIMP Software
With this application, the cell phone willreport to one or more user accounts that you want.You must have a user account to add the phone you want to trackinto that accountManual crear geocerca / Manual create geocerca nueva cuenta de usuario / Create new user account telefono a cuenta de usuario / Add phone to useraccount de aplicacion de rastreo / Tracking applicationfunction app has the function of sending the positions to one ormore user accounts, to create a user account you must install thefollowing app: is very easy to create your account and start tracking thecell phones you want.To start tracking a phone just follow these steps:Already with your user account:* Install this app* Open the app and use your user data to access the account* Write the name of the device* Press the Add device button   !!!READY!!!!You will be presented with a message that was added correctly,wait 5 minutes and you will be able to see your computer on the mapof your user account and you will be tracking.You can also track your computers by entering your user accountfrom the website:
GPS Tracking Monitor 1.0.7
CIIMP Software
This app only serves to consult the data ofanexisting user, this app does not serve to create new users, ifyouwant to create a user account, install the following app: a new user, then with that data you can track the unitsthatare reported to that account from this app.You can also check the data of your user from the website: crear geocerca / Manual create geocerca nueva cuenta de usuario / Create new user account telefono a cuenta de usuario / Add phone touseraccount de aplicacion de rastreo / Trackingapplicationfunction CellCellular trackerGPS Tracking
Rastreo TS 1.04
CIIMP Software
Descarga nuestra app para consultar en tu telefono Andoridnuestraplataforma, es muy facil.
CURP MEXICO Enlace 1.1
CIIMP Software
Consult and generate your CURP from its official website